Remember YOur Power

Sacral Throat Connection

Nicole Harlot Season 1 Episode 19

What to Expect
Two epic centers of our power are so connected, the Sacral and the Throat. Listen to this beautiful conversation surrounding the connection, the importance and the embodiment of them with these lovely ladies. If you want to dive deeper into this conversation and more- join the Telegram Community!

Meet the Sisters

Kristin Cordz
Kristin is a dancer, eclectic witch, crystal lover, water goddess, Reiki Master, student of herbalism, alchemy, human design, astrology and an aspiring polyglot. I am 5 years into my healing journey of reclaiming myself while doing my best to live in the present and enjoy life through this work.

Karen McCullough
Karen has been studying and practicing energy healing for 18 years and one of the most fascinating pieces to me is the relationship between our voice and our sacral area. Both so connected to creativity - one connected to the earth and the other to the divine. Shame can lock them both up and when that shame is released, the amount of creative energy that is freed up is phenomenal.

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